Chinthaka De Silva

Chinthaka De Silva Chinthaka De Silva Chinthaka De Silva

Chinthaka De Dilva, is overall naturalist with over 35 years birding experience and 30 years of tour leading experience and is considered as one of the most experienced birders in Sri Lanka. For many years he has been involved in many research project including cetaceans and bats as well. His lifelong interest to be in the wilds and to study its diversity has taken him to the Himalayas in Northern India too, yielding many new species to his life list.

Chinthaka’s, proficiency to find leopards and other difficult mammals on safaris in our National Parks is an inherent fanaticism, and has conducted many such highly successful tours. A keen interest in bird vocalization has given him a thorough knowledge on the country’s birds. Devotion to butterflies, dragonflies as well as marine mammals takes him regularly to lesser known places throughout the country. He is a keen wildlife photographer too.

Chinthaka De Silva Chinthaka De Silva Chinthaka De Silva

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